Probate Law

As the appointed Commissioner of Accounts for the Circuit Court of Rockingham County, Virginia, I am charged with helping steer fiduciaries through the probate process. Following qualification by a fiduciary in the Circuit Court Clerk’s Office, copies of all relevant documents are sent to me. My office opens a file and produces what we call an “Introductory Letter” to each fiduciary.

In this Introductory Letter we attempt to describe, as best we can, the process that the fiduciary is going to undertake in his or her journey toward compliance with the language of the will, if there is one, and the probate and/or other laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia to which he or she may be subject. This letter will be framed depending upon the fiduciary’s position, be it executor or administrator of a will, trustee of a testamentary trust, or guardian or conservator for an infant or an incapacitated person.

In this office, we review and approve inventories, audit and approve accountings – including copies of bank and brokerage accounts – offer advice to fiduciaries and beneficiaries and hold hearings on various matters. In future blogs, we will discuss various aspects of what the Commissioner of Accounts does in more depth.

John N. Crist

Commissioner of Accounts

Harrisonburg/Rockingham County, Virginia